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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
What Matters Most for the Optimisation of The Digital Economy in Turkey?

Author :Eman Zabalawi, Anas Najdawi, Akram Haddad, Alaa Abdulla, Abderazak Bakhouche

Article Citation :Eman Zabalawi ,Anas Najdawi ,Akram Haddad ,Alaa Abdulla ,Abderazak Bakhouche , (2021 ) " What Matters Most for the Optimisation of The Digital Economy in Turkey? " , International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) , pp. 5-17, Volume-7,Issue-9

Abstract : Digital technologies transformational at a national level face challenges but offers economic development opportunities. The research paper aims to study leadership aspects to optimise and accelerate Turkey‘s digital technology transformation benchmarking its application to its surrounding European Countries. In addition, the objective is to recommend policy and society optimisation from users‘ perspective that needs shaping in the Turkish market. The following research questions were used to drive the literature and methodology of the proposed study: RQ1: What are the digital transformation challenges in Turkey they have or have missed? RQ2 What are the perceptions, attitudes, and lived experiences of citizens‘ relation to digital transformation that exist or have missed? RQ3: How effective are the implemented services and the communication channels they have or have missed? A qualitative approach is applied that shed light to create an interactive stakeholder‘s triangle model that connects the flow of readiness of citizens, strategic directions of firms and leaders of policy regulators facilitation by governments. If this interactive with high collaboration approach is implemented, Turkish strategists and policymakers will accelerate rapidly. The data thematic and its findings identified eight dimensions that allow stakeholders to innovate to support mandating strategic policies (OECD, 2019) to pave the road for small and medium businesses to follow corporates‘ success. Key findings and conclusions target digital strategists, policymakers, digital entrepreneurs, and individuals‘ optimisation of communication to activate a data-driven environment and endorse the digital presence of Turkey through leadership efforts in increasing the effective use of digital services. Furthermore, reduce/remove and reassess regulatory burdens for start-ups with financial support for young firms through digital financing solutions and lower trade barriers for digitally deliverable services and facilitates holistic market openness policies through multi-stakeholder dialogue with responsibilities and forms for strategic coordination coherent with international digital strategies and policies that engage all-digital ecosystem triangle stakeholders in cross-functional levels of government, private business investors, and international bodies through progress in e-government development. Moreover, encourage adoption and ensuring the coherent use of digital technologies and data across all parts and levels of government. Finally, reassess segments of population skill knowledge and plan to close the weakness of low education levels and empower them with skills needed for the digital economy. Fundamentally reassess educating systems its readiness to digital training improve digital social protection to ensure that no one is left behind in a digital economy in a global competitive dynamics. Moreover, reduce digital weaknesses in segments of the low income, elderly and women by mandating social policies by offering incentives for and supporters to adult digital learners with recognition of skills attainment. Technology infrastructure use and opportunities consisted of stakeholders as individuals and firms to benefit from digital opportunities with affordable broadband and digital learning needs. The opportunities such as employability and knowledge gain supported by universities, schools, and other awareness campaigns driven by ministries to communities to unleash digital services and data effectively will lead digital businesses to enhance the experiences of digital users with friendly processes that facilitate optimisation with awareness campaigns through open initiatives to stimulate innovation across the economy flexible application and agile management and raise trust practices. Education entrepreneurs to redesign curriculum to fit the digital economy for young, adult, and elderly training throughout their working/living needs to adults learning barriers and needs of the employment market. People readiness and cultural background require enhancement of digital services‘ access, including the facilitation of digital services infrastructures and reinforcement of creating demand and its business potential opportunities. A mobile network can result in more competitive and innovative services with technical enablers that reduce investment and data portability barriers and open government data. Keywords - Stakeholders of Digital Transformation, Improve Lives, Interrelated Policy, Effective Coordination, Digital Opportunities and Challenges, Policies in the Digital Age, Digital Integration, Digital Policy, Services and Data, Digital Technologies Implementation, Data-Driven Innovation, Digital Inclusion, Digital Trust, Digital Leadership, Stakeholder Theory, Structuration Model of Technology, Digitalisation.

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-7,Issue-9


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2021-12-08
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